uploads/main drag.jpg

main drag 〔美俚〕(城市、村鎮的)主街,大街。

main frame

Hua shang villa is situated at huangshan international tourism resort , a junction of huizhou - hangzhou high speed and hefei - tongling high speed , which is main drag of golden tour route , such as shanghai , hangzhou , thousand islands lake , and huangshan 華商山莊位于黃山國際旅游度假區,徽杭高速合銅黃高速交匯處,是上海杭州千島湖黃山“名城名水名湖名山”黃金旅游線的必經要道。

Not be rheumatism , rheumatism is main drag in small joint , the strut that is joint is out of shape aching , is not the crus flesh that you say group aching , are you jerky 不是風濕,風濕主要累及小關節,是關節的腫脹變形疼痛,而不是你所說的小腿肌群疼痛,你是抽筋嗎?

So the main drag to west must be established , especially the highway construction from wuhan to lichuan 因此必須打通和改善我省西部地區通往大西部的交通要道,特別是武漢?利川高速公路即將開工。

Hubei province is located in the joint of many provinces and is a main drag connecting east and west 我省具有九省通衢之稱,處在中西部的交匯處,具有承東啟西的交通要道。

This is the main drag along here 這里就是主路